You’ve got questions about sacred music?
Here’s your chance to learn what the Church teaches and envisions for music in the sacred liturgy.
Welcome to Square Notes: The Sacred Music Podcast with your host Dr. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka. We address topics of interest both to priests and liturgical musicians, as well as a general audience of Catholics interested in learning more about the Catholic Church’s teachings and treasury of sacred music. Our topics range from discussion of Church documents on sacred music, to the music of certain composers or eras, Gregorian chant, the role of music in Catholic education, and techniques for directing a better choir rehearsal. We’ll interview bishops, priests, music directors, composers, teachers, philosophers, and theologians. We’ll talk to people who found a home in the Catholic Church because they heard the call of Christ in the Church’s sacred music. We’ll ask questions about how really great music programs are doing their work. We’ll introduce you to Catholics who love their faith and, through sacred music, offer all their efforts for his glory and the sanctification of all who hear them.
We aim for our podcast to be thoughtful, encouraging, and informative. We hope, too, that it will inspire and motivate you to work for the renewal of authentic beauty in sacred music—whether you’re a working church musician or an average Catholic in the pews wondering what’s going on. With the prayers of our patronesses, Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom and Saint Elisabeth of the Trinity, we hope to help draw souls to Christ through the beauty of the Church’s sacred music.
The podcast is distributed via Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Audible, Podbean, and Stitcher.
Do you want to suggest a topic or guest? Contact us.
Special thanks to Monica Fitzgibbons for her work in securing rights for us to use the music you hear at the beginning of each episode: Byrd’s Haec Dies from the album Sacred Treasures of England, sung by the London Oratory Schola Cantorum Boys Choir, directed by Charles Cole.
Special thanks also to Kevin Collins, who is the voice of our intro and outro.