40+ (Mostly Free) Resources for Making Excellent Sacred Music in a Time of Restrictions
Looking for other resources or to learn more? Check out these helpful websites.
Church Documents (courtesy of the list compiled by the CMAA)
- Chirograph on Sacred Music (Pope John Paul II, 2003)
- Colombo Statement (Promotion of the Liturgy in Asia)
- De musica sacra et sacra liturgia (1958, English)
- De musica sacra et sacra liturgia (1958, Latin)
- General Instruction of the Roman Missal (US edition, 2010)
- Letter accompanying Summorum Pontificum
- Letter to Artists (Pope St. John Paul II) (1999)
- Motu Proprio: Tra Le Sollecitudini (1903)
- Musicae Sacrae (1955)
- Musicam Sacram (1967)
- Musicam Sacram (1967) in Latin
- Ordo Cantus Officii (1983)
- Sacrosanctum Concilium (1963)
- Voluntati Obsequens (1974)
The Church Music Association of America
Cantica Nova Publications Liturgical Planning Resource
The Archdiocese of New York Office of Liturgy
The Society for Catholic Liturgy
Dr. Donelson’s website, which includes the Gradual Romano en Español
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