A leading expert in the work and approach to singing chant of Dom Eugène Cardine, Dr. Edward Schaefer (Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum) joins us to discuss the basics of semiology, the older styles of neumes, and how reading from these neumes can inform our singing of Gregorian chant.

To learn more about Dr. Schaefer, please visit: https://www.edwardschaefer.net

Check out Dr. Schaefer’s online introduction to semiology here: https://gregoriansemiology.com

Discover the Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum here: https://www.the-collegium.org

Sign up for the CMAA’s Sacred Music Colloquium, to be held at the Collegium in Hagerstown, MD here: http://musicasacra.com/colloquium

Learn more about Dr. Schaefer’s summer class at St. Joseph’s Seminary here: http://dunwoodie.edu/dunwoodie-music-classes